Chain Links: Payback For the Banh Mi Onslaught
We just call them homeless. In Shanghai, working poor “McRefugees” have been treating KFC and McDonald’s as alternative bedding. As many as 30-40 men (it sounds like a male thing) show up nightly to sleep on chairs and in booths. The practice is not uncommon in South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. [Southern Weekly via Shanghaiist]
We don’t even have Carl’s Jr. in NYC yet Ho Chi Minh City welcomed one this week. It is the first American fast food burger chain to enter the country. Twenty-five more are slated for the next six years. [QSR Magazine]
Starbucks won’t be heading to South Africa but their coffee will be served in select hotels and casinos through a licensing agreement. Just in time for the World Cup. [Fast Casual]
We had a Burger King nearby we called “Homeless Burger King”, because invariably, they had people sleeping at tables and booths, and people having “birdbaths” in the bathrooms, etc… It closed down recently.