All Atwitter
I totally don’t get the point of Twitter, but then, I didn’t immediately get what the big deal was with Flickr or YouTube either. Maybe it’s because succinct-ness isn’t my forte. Yes, the old windbag theory must be it.
So, look, here are some homegrown attempts at Twittering:
Watching Damages in awe as Dillahunt makes brief appearance. Indeterminate time a few minutes ago
Well, you can’t use HTML so that was already a bust.
Wondering if I’m going to get enough use out of my light jackets since fall isn’t cold enough to wear them yet and next thing you know it’ll be full on wool weather. On the way home from work
Phew, got that within nine characters of the 140 limit, but I actually had a lot of pointless stuff to add to that deep thought.
Angry that I saved my breakfast until 12:30pm to conserve on food and my yogurt I just bought yesterday with a Halloween expiration date had already gone moldy. 12:30pm
Angrier that I left my camera at home this morning. Using a phone for photos doesn’t feel natural. 12:32pm
Ok, that’s my entire day in a nutshell and now I’m exhausted with all that rehashing—Twittering takes a lot out of you.
Garret Dillahunt is supposed to appear in 4 episodes of “Damages” (including last night’s episode), I believe. I read that when there was an announcement recently about Dillahunt being cast in the new Terminator tv series.