Feud for Thought
I know chefs are hot these days (why else would Darren Star go from Sex and the City to Kitchen Confidential?) but it’s still odd to see a food-ish feud on Page Six, particularly since neither parties involved have much to do with NYC. I first read of this spat last week in the Chicago Sun-Times, where its appearance made more sense.
What doesn’t make sense is why the imaginative object of my fleeting fascination would blatantly sully a big name. Of course, I love to bad mouth, but then, I’m nobody.
If it’s true that poor Homaro fibbed or at least exaggerated the truth because Mariani panned his restaurant, that’s not very smart because it’s not like the facts couldn’t be verified.
That’s the problem with guys in their twenties—big ideas often trumps wise restraint (having passed my third decade a few years back, I now feel oh-so-much brighter). Or maybe Homaro speaks the truth and will be vindicated…and then make my food levitate or turn inside out or something.