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Shirley Temples are So Passe

Today I was reading about Kidsbeer and of course Americans are having a shit fit (despite the beverage not being sold in the U.S.). I guess it’s the same as the candy cigarette issue (which I think are also good clean fun). The best part is the Kidsbeer slogan “even kids cannot stand life unless they have a drink.” You said it.

I can’t read Japanese so the official Kidsbeer site from Tomomasu is kind of lost on me, though not that lost because the bizarre images and packaging are possibly better without explanation. I hate to stereotype, but the Japanese are, well, kind of weird. These drawings aren’t in the typical cute/oddball canon, but are kind of creepy and maniacal. Sort of Darger meets Dzama.

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  1. I went to my local favorite mexicano restaurant for grub last weekend, and thought of this entry when I saw they were offering “Shirly Tempos”…

    October 18, 2005

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