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The Week That Pique Macho Got Two Shoutouts in Two Days

Cocha Bomba

World’s most macho pique via Cocha Bomba

Munchies tackled the South American poutine on the ground in La Paz.

Eater touched on the pile of beef, cheese, wieners, and fries, among other dishes, at Bolivian restaurant Cumbre in Woodside.

I noticed that Cumbre appeared on Seamless last month, got a little excited, then promptly forgot about its existence, as I often do. (It’s not new, though.) I wouldn’t say Bolivian food has the best reputation–if it has one at all considering its scarcity in NYC. Traditional Mi Bolivia still exists in Sunnyside, and at the other end of the spectrum–though with the Smorgasburg Queens announcement, lines are blurring like it or not–Bolivian Llama Party does stuff like salteñas and sandwiches at Brooklyn Night Bazaar, the Rockaways, and obviously Smorgasburg.

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