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Localized: Dunkin’ Donuts Taiwan

Welcome to Localized, the first in a new series about localized menu offerings. You know, regional tweaks to American chain staples.

I'm starting with Dunkin' Donuts for no particular reason. It is an oddball in that it's such a popular franchise in NYC, but has completely disappeared from the Northwest where I grew up. And yet these American doughnuts have spread all over the world; 30 countries, to be precise. Taiwan has 26 branches.

Two differences in Taiwan are that supposedly the doughnuts aren't as sweet, and you get to pick them out yourself with a tray and tongs much like at Chinese bakeries here. So far, I see no evidence of the pork doughnuts promised for China last month.

Five things Dunkin' Donuts in Taiwan has that we don't:


Heart-shaped doughnuts year-round

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Whoopee  pies in chocolate and green tea (pictured)


Squarish doughnuts with a hole and two different fillings piped in


Bbq pork Danish sandwich


Flavored ice teas like kiwi

Double Chocolate

Ring-style doughnuts that I've only seen in Asia at places like Mister Donut

First-hand accounts:

Brand Eating

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