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A Foodie Who Takes the Ball and Runs With It

Exterior A mysterious Asian food distributor in Brooklyn is looking for a copywriter through unusual means: a Craigslist ad (which will certainly be a dead link soon) under the transportation jobs section that directs applicants to NYC’s Workforce1 Career Center in Jamaica where you need buisness attire and a photo ID. Do people still obtain employment in this way?

Eerie, municipal and certain to end in disaster, this is totally the kind of job I would apply for if ten years younger and still living in Sunset Park. I wonder if it's Vasinee (they're Thai, though, not Chinese)?

I had completely forgotten that pre-internet, you would go to your city’s labor department and look up jobs on microfiche. They were generally blind ads, so you weren’t even sure what you were getting into. This is how I got my job at a takeout-only Pizza Hut the summer between high school and college. But if I recall, I had a leg up because my sister was friends with this branch manager’s son who was sometimes called “pocket punk” because he was small for his age not because he had lots of hiding places in his clothing. It's always about who you know.

I also like that when I Google image search: Asian food warehouse, I get my own photo.

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