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Go Figure: Italian Food Favored by American Tourists

Hamburger helper Most Popular Cusines Among US Travelers
1.  Italian 54.3%
2.  American (tie) 35.3%
2.  Mexican (tie) 35.3%
3.  French 27.6%
4.  Chinese 25.9%
5.  Japanese 22.4%
6.  Greek 19.0%
7.  Spanish 13.8%
8.  Indian12.9%
9.  Other 11.2%
10.  Lebanese 6.9%

In shocking news, Americans prefer to eat spaghetti, hamburgers and nachos no matter what part of the world they’re traveling in. According to a survey, a stubborn 13% won’t try local cuisine at all and 18% prefer American fast food chains when abroad.

Two-thirds did say they try local cuisine on vacation, but considering Americans only leave the country to live out a once-in-a-lifetime Parisian or Tuscan fantasy (or settle for a nice Venetian facsimile) or to binge drink at Caribbean/Mexican resorts where you could eat hamburgers and pizza all day, it’s not saying much.

In a way, these food choices simply mirror popular travel destinations, Lebanese cuisine withstanding. A recent TripAdvisor survey found that the top three international travel destinations for Americans in 2011 are Paris, London and Rome. Sorry, England, I’m not sure if British cuisine will never crack the top ten.

In fact, Britons aren't even eating their own food. A December Valued Opinions poll unearthed Britain's favorite takeway food, and fish and chips came in fourth place at only 13%. The top three were Chinese (38%), Indian (22%) and pizza (18%).

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