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Operation Dessert Storm


I like keeping tabs on American chains infiltrating other countries (by the way, Taco Bell is making its second attempt at getting the UK to embrace gorditas) but the Middle East is giving me a workout. They seem to have every franchise you’ve ever heard, making the region seem more American than  chain-averse NYC.  In fact, the latest company to land in Dubai is called Great American Cookies.

Luckily, I just discovered a food blog, B&D Kuwait, that is a treasure trove. It doesn’t appear that they are exclusively writing about American chain restaurants, but at first glance I spy Coldstone Creamery, T.G.I. Friday’s, Applebee’s and Burger King. Also, who knew Dean & DeLuca existed in Kuwait and Dubai?

It’s notable that even when a written language doesn’t use the Latin alphabet (Thailand was rife with these beauties) you can still recognize American brands from logo alone.

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