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Chain Links: French Fried Chicken

Chic mcdonalds After throwing in the towel 11 years ago, Dunkin' Donuts is returning to Russia. Part of their losses the first time 'round were attributed to "a rogue franchisee who sold liquor and meat pies."

Also, Russians don't really eat doughnuts. Nigel Travis, chief executive of Dunkin' Brands aims to combat that with a doughnut-like creation, "Without giving away too much, we've found that they favor something called scalded cream and a very nice raspberry jam as a pastry filling." [WSJ]

Last week Tokyo got its first "chic" McDonald's, a new concept swapping bright plastic for light wood, that will be rolled out across the city. Menu's the same, prices are higher. [CNNGo]

French-based KFCs make more money than any other location globally, so it's only logical that the chain plans to triple their presence in the supposedly fast food-hating nation by 2015, aiming for 300 stores. [WSJ]

Photo from Shibuya246

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