Chain Links: Chili’s Discovers Banh Mi
Do you know Nando’s, the South African chicken chain? I only do because I recently tried one in Penang (could’ve sworn I blogged about it but never did—my lunch, above). Even though they’ve been in England since 1992, The Guardian is positing that “The brand is now inextricably linked with a certain type of youthful, racially mixed, urban British pop star and, so, with modern, inner-city, multicultural Britain.” Er, if you say so. It’s a hefty article for such a subject. [The Guardian]
I often like The Wall Street Journal’s food coverage because they will take a subject like Asian flavors influencing barbecue and mention the obvious like Fatty ‘Cue and toss in a little David Chang while also getting some mainstream intel from Chili’s and posting a recipe from RockSugar Pan Asian Kitchen (a Cheesecake Factory brand with only one location in LA). While not ground-breaking for a more cosmopolitan restaurant, Chili’s is aiming to be “first to market” with Vietnamese sandwiches and Korean quesadillas. Give ‘em a couple more years, and they’ll develop a fleet of food trucks. [Wall St. Journal]