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Bada Bing

09-jun-starbuz Taiwanese chain Kung Fu Bing has brought pancakey sandwiches to Chinatown. There's already a chain called Kungfu in Beijing, though I don't think they serve bings which are still the province of street vendors and aren't quite sandwiches. Apparently, they will ruin your sex life if you are a man. I bet ladies totally thrive on them, though. I'll have to find out.

Barros Luco, which looks like a chain but isn't (yet), is going to be serving Chilean sandwiches in midtown. Up until now the only place for churrascos and completos was in Astoria so I'm excited even though I fear great gobs of mayonnaise.

While Starbucks does nothing for me in the states, I do always pop into one when abroad. Too bad the Starbucks transformed into a mid-century coffeehouse a.k.a Bing Sutt wasn't open when I was in Hong Kong last year. A '50s diner Starbucks would be lame, yet this isn't cheesy to me, maybe because I'm American.

Meanwhile, we're giving Russia 25 Chili's over the next eight years.

Photo from Goods of Desire

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