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Can You ‘Stand’ One More?

Last month I was convinced that the last thing the world needed was another Red Hook ball fields article. Or so I thought until I was asked to write one (actually the second for the same publication but whatever). Allow me to present you with “Stand and Deliver” (I’m not putting their quotes around Stand). Ok, I’ll be the first to admit the round up breaks no new ground (I wrote way more than what’s included and the photographer took hundreds of photos). But short and snappy is what the ol’ New York Post is known for, so no surprises.

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  1. ccc #

    It’s handy, prints off on one page… I’m going to look like a tourist and take it with me this weekend 😉 I feel really up for a meat skewer you know?

    July 12, 2007
  2. ccc #

    ate like a pig, had a great time, loved the huaraches the most. can’t wait to go back to try more!

    July 17, 2007

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