Hmm, so Target has been getting all fancy pants with its new house brand Archer Farms. It's a notch up from Market Pantry (who makes a mean Dr. Pepper rip off called Spice Cola, not to be confused with Pepsi Holiday Spice). But I'm having a serious pet peeve with their new premium nut-filled caramel corn snack that has replaced Poppycock. Bring back the Poppycock. I love Poppycock almost more than anything in the world. Even Chinese Poppycock that was all wet and stuck together in a wad (the packaging was still cute). Despite being buttery, fatty and full of sugar, it's a not-so-guilty little pleasure I can't deny myself. It wasn't like I'd buy a whole can, sometimes they'd have 99-cent small packs at the register. This was good, I need portion control. But now, nothing, and Archer Farms doesn?t offer choices like cashew lovers, just nuts, etc. and the only size is large. A container of caramel corn that large is dangerous.
Oh Poppycock–I just discovered their parent Lincoln Snacks, and they totally rule. Who knew Fiddle Faddle, Screaming Yellow Zonkers and Poppycock all coexisted in such a way?