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Delhi Gardens

*This is still an Indian restaurant, though I'm fairly certain that it's changed names (2007)

Though I don't do it all that frequently, I love the occasional trek out to New Jersey for a Trader Joes and kick-ass Hong Kong Supermarket run. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, every chain store known to man populates these parts. I shop, but I rarely eat. Not because I don't want to, I'm just not familiar with the terrain. So, I on my latest excursion we decided to rectify this by a pit stop at Delhi Gardens, a Hyderabadi restaurant I'd heard good things about.

I've been a little Indian shy since becoming crazy ill after eating at Mina a few months back. But there wasn't any trouble. With only two of us, we didn't really get to sample much of the menu, and maybe missed some hits. We started with vegetable samosas, a safe choice, but giant, flaky, very homemade and fresh. For mains we had chicken biryani since biryani is a Hyderabad thing. I'm not an expert on the rice dish, so I can't compare, but the layers of herbs and spices struck me. We also had lamb curry, rogan gosht, I think that was nicely hot. Indian cuisine is one that I honestly need to learn more about to speak knowledgeably. I'm like one of those annoying (to me) people who talks about Thai food and only ever eats pad thai and green curry. Or even worse, someone who raves about a restaurant, but is vegetarian. Nothing against vegetarians, but how can I trust the opinion of someone who hadn't even tried most of the things I would order?

Delhi Gardens * 691 Route 1, Edison, NJ

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  1. desigooner #

    I am not sure if you’ve visited this small family run thai place called Thai Noodle Fusion on Easton avenue. It was one of the places, along with Grease Trucks, that took me through grad school at Rutgers. Cheap, Clean and tasty (minus the fancy) .. worth a try ..

    and don’t mind if i’m repeating something you’ve already done, try visiting Chinese Mirch (120 Lexington Ave) … indianised chinese food but quite tasty .. their crisp okra is something you won’t have tried before ..

    May 24, 2008
  2. desigooner: I love Indian-Chinese food (and okra) but haven’t hit any of the Manhattan restaurants (just Queens). I’ll keep Indian Mirch in mind.

    May 24, 2008

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