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Blue Ribbon


I've never been to the original so I won't commence with the Manhattan vs.
Brooklyn comparisons. I am aware they're known for their seafood, which is
boldly displayed in the front window. The spendy, yet impressive looking
fruits des mer platters are a signature item, which I hope to try at some
point. As it was a random weeknight, I went the other direction and tried
the duck with spinach, sweet potato puree and a cassis sauce. Very nice. The
shrimp and chorizo appetizer was also pleasing. Duck? Chorizo? Well, no one
ever said I was a light eater.

The vibe was more welcoming than stand-offish, moderately upscale, yet
mellow. You could call it a potential date place, which made me glad I ended
up there with a boyfriend, not the stalkerish chap I was out with earlier
who'd half-heartedly suggested the very restaurant (take note: don't attempt
Blue Ribbon with the unemployed, it'd just ruin the fun). If by chance the
ambience causes you to forget you're in Park Slope, glance up from your
goodies and observe the proliferation of children, young pregnant women and
lesbians. Ah, the incongruous flavor that makes up this semi-suburban 'hood.

* 280 Fifth Ave., Brooklyn, NY

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