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I know it's hard to believe, but I've never eaten at this fine establishment. Of course I?m a big fan of the chain restaurant, but Chili's just never seems to be in the right place at the right time. After a spell at Ikea, I wasn't sufficiently traumatized so I thought I'd throw in a little Jersey Gardens Mall for good measure. And since it appeared that the Rainforest Caf had gone bust (soon to be replaced by a wacky, colorful eatery called Kahunaville), Chili's seemed to be one of the few non-food court options. But let me clarify this, it was not a pure Chili's, but a Chili's Too. This was a bit of a letdown since I'd been hoping for the full experience.

I'm afraid that I was exposed to some pared down menu for harried shoppers and their children. I did not see any of the fancier items I know exist like Margarita Grilled Chicken or Skillet Queso, but thank goodness the Southwestern Eggrolls and Awesome Blossom were present. Actually I just had a Ground Peppercorn Burger and a water, as I was so dismayed by the abbreviated menu and surroundings. Mall restaurants don't always make the grade–just placing them in New Jersey is not enough.

Chili's* 651 Kapkowski Rd., Elizabeth, NJ

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