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The Crepe Factory

Closed: The crepes are gone and Cafe Dore, a Caribbean joint, has surfaced.

I don't make a practice out of hanging out in the family-ish parts of
Brooklyn (or any city for that matter), but I'd forgotten my bag at work
Friday night since I was in such a hurry to leave. Saturday I had to go back
for it, and since I was in a real car instead of my usual subway car, I
thought it'd be fun to see neighborhoods I never see. This brought me to
Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens and The Crepe Factory.

I'd really been dying for a crepe for ages, so this was a golden
opportunity. I really should've gotten a sweet one, but since this would be
my first meal of the day at 4pm, I opted for a savory ham and gruyere
delight. It hit the spot, and then some. It was a bit excessive and I can be
a big eater. Not that I'm complaining about large portions. Actually, my
only complaint would be the table of completely ill-behaved, ruckus-making,
precocious little kids with the oblivious liberal mom. But, I guess it was
my own fault for spending a Sat. afternoon in Carroll Gardens, right?

The Crepe Factory * 270 Smith St., Brooklyn, NY

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