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Eco-Unfriendly Green

Balance in everything. I love genuine greens—collards, kale, cabbage—as much as artificial greens. It’s always been my favorite color. In fact, when I was young, pre-preschool young, putting green food coloring in my milk, served in a mini A&W root beer mug, was the only way my mom could get me to drink the dairy product.

In the US, green dye usually denotes mint (urgh) or lime (ok) and occasionally green apple or kiwi. I loved that in SE Asia green baked goods and drinks almost always denoted pandan (like the buns below) or green tea (as in the roll cake). Quickly shot on a hotel bed, these two aren’t showcasing their optimal greenness.


Allow me to salute St. Patrick with a few random photos of unnaturally green foodstuffs.

Green spam

Green eggs ‘n’ spam soba from IOjaw on Flickr


Cendol from Rasa Malaysia (waah, one of the only things on my to-eat-in-Penang list that I didn’t get around to)


I Am Baker via Serious Eats

Green bread

Green pandan bread from JY’s Baking Jornals


Ice cream Jello from The Food Librarian

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