Give Me a Break

Even though I’m off the sugar, I was excited when a coworker brought back green tea and sweet potato flavored Kit Kats from Japan this week. I was just going to take pictures, but how do you not taste unusual varieties of candy from afar? I bit.
The green tea had proper bitter undertones; you’d probably be able to identify the flavor if pressed to do so. Maybe the creamy pale green color would help, too. But in the U.S., orange signals sweet potato even though not all yams, sweet potatoes, whatever (I know they’re not the same) are so brightly hued. Orange dye wouldn't have even helped the butter yellow wafer because it tasted like super sweet white chocolate and nothing more, not even a hint of vegetal goodness.
Word is Japanese Kit Kats have been known to come in limited editions flavored with corn, watermelon and salt, and even soy sauce. Check out the Japanese KitKat Flickr pool that includes chiles, McFlurry, macchiato and more.