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Roll With It


I don’t know O’Charley’s, a seemingly Midwestern chain, firsthand but their promotional site features a heartwarming tale about a stellar roll that’s kind of the anti-Kogepan crossed with the Zoloft blob.

Now I’m craving warm bread.

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  1. Meredith #

    As a St. Louisan, I can tell you firsthand that O’Charley’s rolls are delicious. They serve them with honey butter (which makes everything good, right?), and they’re warm and doughy on the inside and a little flaky on the outside. Fortunately, O’Charley’s doesn’t have the best drink specials – otherwise I would be the size of the house from all the booze and rolls I would consume there.

    February 6, 2008
  2. Krista #

    Honey butter? Wow. I didn’t even make the connection until later in the day that warm rolls are totally nature’s antidepressant. Unlike nature’s candy, which is just a sad facsimile.

    February 8, 2008

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