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Sweeter than Chocolate

The New York Post has it all over the New York Times for sundry superficial reasons, one of them being their spookily democratic wedding coverage. Finally, there’s a place for the girthy, college-free and the non-white to express their love.

I’m afraid the Castillo-Boneta profile won’t be up much longer, so here’s the passage that matters:

“Boneta, now a New York City police officer, proposed on Easter Sunday in 2005, but it took a little coaxing to have Castillo find something even sweeter than chocolate in her Easter basket. ‘I was totally exhausted that morning, but after he and my mom nudged me a little bit, I opened it up and found the ring,’ Castillo remembers.”

I have no visual on said romantic Easter basket so I’ll just have to imagine the beauty.



As a nostalgic obsessive aside, I recently couldn’t help but Google my early-teen first stalkee/near date raper who tormented me all of 8th grade and freshman year with his grotesque hotness and put me off of straight guys for years. The very first hit was a five-and-a-half-year-old New York Times wedding announcement. I hazard to guess that he’s one of the very few, possibly only Gresham, Oregon natives to make the column (ah, there is one other possible candidate from 1997). I just wanted to see a grownup photo, that’s all. Um, he does appear to be living on the Upper West Side so I guess if I was dangerously curious I could always stake out the building.

“Creepy Easter” photo borrowed from The Seven Deadly Sinners

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  1. Meredith #

    The Easter chick with the night stick (with a weird sword handle) is sweet! I had to check out the site it was from… whoa. Also, I have a serious problem with Googling (verb?) ex-boyfriends, tormentors, or friends that turned weird in college. It’s kind of a cathartic experience for me to realize they’re in the computer science field or married to someone 10 years older than them. Evil? Perhaps…

    March 15, 2007
  2. anonymous #

    The bride went to a militantly jewish school.

    March 16, 2007
  3. Meredith: I’d actually rather that they be in computer science than crazy involved with campus ministry, as another recent Google turned up (a few years ago I think I wrote about this guy who was the geeky fellow I fiaxted on after the above tormenter, but I had to re-Google for 2007).

    Lisa: So far, I think I’ve dodged felons but there’s no knowing for sure.

    Anon: Yes, and if I’ve done my research correctly the bride also works for a staunchly Jewish organization. So strange, considering the groom when I knew him 20 years ago was suburban white trash with no religious affliation that I was aware of. He also dropped out of high school his junior year so I find it fascinating that he’s all M.B.A. and law degreed.

    March 16, 2007

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