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Something Fishy

There have been a lot of rings and food near misses in the past few days. During a commercial break, out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a woman pulling a ring out of cooked salmon. Score. Thank goodness for technology allowing me to rewind “live” TV. It was an eBay commercial where a fish ate a ring fashioned from the words IT. Later, a woman finds the ring while eating dinner. No proposal, just randomness.

Uglybetty_ringlessLast night I was thwarted again when Salma Hayek’s character on Ugly Betty was trying to get Daniel Meade to propose to her in 60 days (unbeknownst to him) and he said he had a surprise for her. It was a glass of yogurt and granola containing heart-shaped slices of papaya. I was holding my breath as Sophia rooted around the glass looking for a ring. I so wanted it to be there for my sake. But no, sometimes yogurt is just yogurt. She did get her engagement ring later in the episode.

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  1. Years ago I went to dinner at a restuarant where a friend worked. Toward the end of the night, she gave me a bunch of roses – apparently some guy had set up the big proposal and his girlfriend had knocked him back! I don’t know if he put the ring in her food though.

    Another friend worked at a boat restuarant and they had someone arrange a proposal – with the ring in a wine glass. He had the family waiting in the kitchen, balloons etc organised. She said yes, which was lucky. You’d think organising something like on a boat would be pretty risky. If it’s knockback, you have to get everyone out somehow.

    January 15, 2007
  2. I’ve always thought it was risky to do these public proposals unless you were 99% sure of what the answer would be. Maybe I’m just not a risk taker.

    January 15, 2007

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