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LP Steamers


I had no idea I'd end up eating crabs in Baltimore Memorial Day Weekend. In
fact, I didnt even know it until about two hours before it happened. The
original Saturday plan involved getting up early and heading to Adamstown,
PA “Antiques Capital USA.” But the antiques capital is mostly
closed on Saturdays, Sundays are when its all wheeling and dealing. Who

So, after hitting Reading and checking out the strip mall scene we
decided to just keep heading south. Instead of dinner in nearby Philly where
weve been a million times, why not Baltimore? It was Jamess college stomping
ground, and I'd never been at all. The perfect impromptu long weekend plan.

The only trouble ensued when I tried web searching on a stupid
Blackberry for places to get steamed crab. I get car sick if I even read for
five seconds in a moving vehicle. I so don't get the allure of handheld
devices (I still don't own a cell phone). I know web surfing isnt a
Blackberrys raison detre, but it was painfully slow and cumbersome. It took
me the entire two-hour drive to come up with the random LP Steamers and we
had no idea if it was even a good bet.

But it all turned out well. Even with my perpetual well be too late
paranoia, 9:30pm was ok. There was an empty table on the upstairs outdoor
patio. Normally, I'm no fan of al fresco, but it was just right. A dozen Old
Bay encrusted crabs, fried oysters, a pitcher beer and we were good to go. I
loved the cheap prices, rampant cigarette smoking and convivial crowd (crude
could be a better descriptor, but I'm not put off by lewd stories. The table
next to us had a loud mouth girl who couldnt stop with the dirty talk, which
prompted another table to semi-jokingly tell her to keep it down while they
were trying to eat).

We only spent about four hours–8:30pm to 1am–in town. I need to see
the city in the daylight for a better assessment.

LP Steamers * 1100 E. Fort
Ave.,Baltimore, MD

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