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Oh Kueh

What I’ve really gone nuts for are kueh, which are really more of a Malaysian/Indonesian/Singaporean thing. They’re like glossy little rainbows cut into squares. Well, some of them are–I’m specifically referring to kueh lapis, layer cake. The striations might simply be green and yellow or the whole spectrum of the rainbow.

I’m a total novice, and unfortunately, NYC isn’t the best place for improving a kueh education (though khanom, Thai snacks, definitely can be had here). I defer to Shiokadelicious, since the proprietress of this site really knows her stuff. I can’t even look at this website too much or I’ll start checking flights to Singapore.

I went kueh crazy during my Singapore visit. If I lived there I’d be 300 pounds–hawker centers and food courts are a total danger to people like me. I became particularly enamored of Bengawan Solo. I would totally get a wedding cake from them if I ever got married. That would probably be a cheesy thing to do if you actually lived in Singapore, but heck, I’m American and could plead ignorance.

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