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This is one of those constant comment places. And as I've never been to the
South or Texas, I have little first-hand BBQ expertise. My impression is
that it's the best by New York standards. They slow-cook the meat in
smokers, sauce served on the side. Cuts like brisket and ribs are sold by
the pound, along with accompaniments like corn bread, chile and coleslaw. It
is good, but I don't know if it's truly great. However, it is probably the
best Texas style BBQ served in the back of an Irish sports bar in Queens.

Pearson's has gone through a million permutations since my original visit. I
can't even remember when an Upper West Side location popped up or when this
place went kaput for good. Now NYC bbq is all the rage–who would've
thought? (11/05)

Pearson's* 71-04 35th Ave., Jackson Heights, NY

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