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I don't have a strong opinion on Belmondo one way or the other. It was
sparsely populated for a Friday night in the East Village, but that could've
had something to do with their lack of air conditioning. It was just
someplace new to try. It's bistro food, but somehow I felt like I shouldn't
be eating, and especially not eating the steak frites (though I ordered them
anyway). Maybe it's just the East Village syndrome (which isn't as bad as
Williamsburg as far as androgyny goes). I'm not always in the mood to be
surrounded by girls (women?) with little boy bodies who couldn't possibly be
eating red meat or fried potatoes to maintain that appearance. Just order
mojitos if you want to fit in. Or get really radical and eat something. It's
up to you.(6/29/01)

Belmondo * 98 Avenue B, New York, NY

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